Her are a few photos of the very fist wrap I made for my daughter. It wasn't exactly what I wanted...but I loved the photos anyway! Boy how time flies...
My CUTIE Elina at 6 mths.

Love those tiny toes!! :)
So let me introduce myself. As may have already figured my name is Vanessa. I'm a Mommy to 2 kind little souls Isabella 5 yrs and Elina 2 yrs. And I'm a wife to a wonderful man and father to my children, Fernando. I am truly blessed to have them in my life!
What is Sweet Dreamz by Vanessa?
Well, this all started with my LOVE for photography. Since my first daughter was born I have not been able to put down my camera. I tried to better my skills by reading many photo forums such as MPix and ILP. Thanks to those forums my photography skills only grow....they're not the best..LOL But I'd like to believe I'm getting better!
What is Sweet Dreamz by Vanessa?
Well, this all started with my LOVE for photography. Since my first daughter was born I have not been able to put down my camera. I tried to better my skills by reading many photo forums such as MPix and ILP. Thanks to those forums my photography skills only grow....they're not the best..LOL But I'd like to believe I'm getting better!
But, it wasn't until my 2nd daughter was born that I began my knitting obsession. As a young girl I used to knit and crochet with my mom. When we'd receive word that a new baby was to be coming to our family, we got to work on a special baby blanket for them. I started off as the official Yarn Puller. lol We'd watch a movie and I'd pull the yarn out of the ball, as she would crochet. Eventually my mom taught me to crochet also and we'd take turns at making the blanket. We could always see were I began and ended in the blankets....it was always a little looser there...LOL But my mom didn't mind...it was a gift that we had made together. I had no idea that later in life I would become a knitting addict...LOL
The addiction began when my second daughter was 6 mths old. She was napping in my arms as she did everyday (all day). I couldn't do house work, so I would sit at the computer and read the photo forums. I came across a post by Amanda Andrews. She had knitted this amazing colorful wrap for her newborn. In that moment I fell in love with the idea of drapping babies in beautiful and vibrant colors. So, the next day I went to Joann Fabrics, picked up the biggest set of knitting needles I could find and some of that amazing, ribbon like yarn. After that...the rest was history! I could not stop knitting wraps of every color! I bought all of my favorite colors and knitted a wrap of everyone. As soon as I wad done, I'd grab the girls and my camera and we'd head to the brightest area of the house for a quick "photo shoot" which for me was a large piece of black flabric duck tapped to something..LOL I was thrilled at the idea of the girls drapped in these beautiful wraps that I had made. And, with NO HELP may I add! :) After that I began noticing more photos with babies in wraps. After posting some photos of my girls in their wraps, I got a few requests and I sold a few here and there. Soon after, someone came to me with a photo and asked if I could make them something like this......It was The Cocoon by Marta Locklear....WOW, I was blown away by this AMAZING photo! I thought to myself that there is no way I could make that cocoon! This thing was a perfect piece of art!... So, I declined her request and stuck to my wraps. Later, another late night up with my baby in arms, I came across Amy Ussery's post about making your own "Cocoon" using a loom. Well, I had to try it out..LOL And it was then, that I realized how simple this cocoon style realy was. I knew I could make one with out a loom.
The addiction began when my second daughter was 6 mths old. She was napping in my arms as she did everyday (all day). I couldn't do house work, so I would sit at the computer and read the photo forums. I came across a post by Amanda Andrews. She had knitted this amazing colorful wrap for her newborn. In that moment I fell in love with the idea of drapping babies in beautiful and vibrant colors. So, the next day I went to Joann Fabrics, picked up the biggest set of knitting needles I could find and some of that amazing, ribbon like yarn. After that...the rest was history! I could not stop knitting wraps of every color! I bought all of my favorite colors and knitted a wrap of everyone. As soon as I wad done, I'd grab the girls and my camera and we'd head to the brightest area of the house for a quick "photo shoot" which for me was a large piece of black flabric duck tapped to something..LOL I was thrilled at the idea of the girls drapped in these beautiful wraps that I had made. And, with NO HELP may I add! :) After that I began noticing more photos with babies in wraps. After posting some photos of my girls in their wraps, I got a few requests and I sold a few here and there. Soon after, someone came to me with a photo and asked if I could make them something like this......It was The Cocoon by Marta Locklear....WOW, I was blown away by this AMAZING photo! I thought to myself that there is no way I could make that cocoon! This thing was a perfect piece of art!... So, I declined her request and stuck to my wraps. Later, another late night up with my baby in arms, I came across Amy Ussery's post about making your own "Cocoon" using a loom. Well, I had to try it out..LOL And it was then, that I realized how simple this cocoon style realy was. I knew I could make one with out a loom.
It was around this time I had discovered the world of Etsy! What a great place to buy and sell! I made several attempts at creating my own style of cocoon. My thought was to create an organic cotton cocoon that moms could carry their precious babies in. I searched and searched for the perfect organic cotton and found some gorgeous thick yarn and I was hooked. I thought I'd try my luck at selling it on Etsy. I listed a few of my version of the cocoon, along with 2 replicas of Marta's Surf and Turf and Berris Cocoon. Yes.....I was one of those MANY peoplethat copied Marta's cocoon. I am ashamed to admit that! :( I do apologize Marta I should never have sold the surf and turf and berries cocoon. My intentions were to market my Sweet Dreamz Baby Blankets toward Moms, not photographers.
Next came my yarn obsession! lol I was always on the hunt for some unique yarn that moms would love. Soon after I wasn't feeling so good about riding Marta's cocoon wave. I made a few more of my blankets and took a break. So, now I have all this yarn....what do I do with so much yarn? Well fall was coming and my girls need a hat. I grabbed some of my beautiful new yarns and began to make a hat (which I had never done btw). I wasn't sure how to stop or when to stop, so pixie like tail began to grow and grow. I couldn't believe what I had just made!! I FELL IN LOVE!!! I put the first hat on Elina's head and My heart melted!! I was so HAPPY to say the least! My husband even liked the hat. He thought they looked like an Elf hat. And so came the name, "The Happy Elf Hat" My girls were once again wearing my creation on their cute little heads. WHERE'S MY CAMERA!! LOL I couldn't stop taking pictures of them! I loved my hats so much that I had to share them with other moms out there. I know they would love seeing there little ones in the hat just as I do! I hadn't seen anything like this on Etsy, so I thought I'd give it a go there. I was right..moms did love them! But I had no idea what I was in for with the photographers!! They also LOVED my hats! The orders began coming in so fast, that I spent more time on the computer taking orders then I was knitting. LOL It wasn't too long after I began selling my Happy Elf hats that my knitting came full circle! Amanda Andrews purchased 2 of my hats!! The same Amanda Andrews who's post inspired my knitting venture. Truly a proud moment for me!
I sold many hats that Fall and Winter and it was time for me to take a break. Knitting began to take over my home. Yarn was being delivered, what seemed like every day! My girls didn't want to see one more package that wasn't for them! lol So I took a short break, and only knited a few new items for my girls here and there.
HOWEVER....Fall is back now, AND SO AM I!! This time I will take more control on my business hours. lol I do most of my emails and all of my knitting while my girls are sleeping, so that I don't miss out on their golden days of childhhood. So to all my customers reading this, I hope you understand that I am a Mommy Firs and then a business women. :)
Next came my yarn obsession! lol I was always on the hunt for some unique yarn that moms would love. Soon after I wasn't feeling so good about riding Marta's cocoon wave. I made a few more of my blankets and took a break. So, now I have all this yarn....what do I do with so much yarn? Well fall was coming and my girls need a hat. I grabbed some of my beautiful new yarns and began to make a hat (which I had never done btw). I wasn't sure how to stop or when to stop, so pixie like tail began to grow and grow. I couldn't believe what I had just made!! I FELL IN LOVE!!! I put the first hat on Elina's head and My heart melted!! I was so HAPPY to say the least! My husband even liked the hat. He thought they looked like an Elf hat. And so came the name, "The Happy Elf Hat" My girls were once again wearing my creation on their cute little heads. WHERE'S MY CAMERA!! LOL I couldn't stop taking pictures of them! I loved my hats so much that I had to share them with other moms out there. I know they would love seeing there little ones in the hat just as I do! I hadn't seen anything like this on Etsy, so I thought I'd give it a go there. I was right..moms did love them! But I had no idea what I was in for with the photographers!! They also LOVED my hats! The orders began coming in so fast, that I spent more time on the computer taking orders then I was knitting. LOL It wasn't too long after I began selling my Happy Elf hats that my knitting came full circle! Amanda Andrews purchased 2 of my hats!! The same Amanda Andrews who's post inspired my knitting venture. Truly a proud moment for me!
I sold many hats that Fall and Winter and it was time for me to take a break. Knitting began to take over my home. Yarn was being delivered, what seemed like every day! My girls didn't want to see one more package that wasn't for them! lol So I took a short break, and only knited a few new items for my girls here and there.
HOWEVER....Fall is back now, AND SO AM I!! This time I will take more control on my business hours. lol I do most of my emails and all of my knitting while my girls are sleeping, so that I don't miss out on their golden days of childhhood. So to all my customers reading this, I hope you understand that I am a Mommy Firs and then a business women. :)
I check my messages frequently though out the day. Usually I just keep my email open. And, if I can answer your question quickly, I will do so. But, if it's going to require some time to answer your question, then I will get back to you in the evening.
Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about my Sweet Dreamz Journey! I look forward to hearing form you all in the future! Good bye for now! :0)
Thank you for taking the time to read a little bit about my Sweet Dreamz Journey! I look forward to hearing form you all in the future! Good bye for now! :0)
What a wonderful journey! Vanessa - I come to your blog because I just bought an elf hat and a tulip hat from you. I read this post and saw your rainbow coloured wraps - I remember these photos when you posted them on ILP! Gosh - that seems so long ago and at the time when I was just starting to take photos myself. I was so inspired by that wrap that I knitted one myself (here is a link to my rainbow wrap: http://blog.bluebird-photography.co.uk/?p=97). It was no stopping from there and now I am running my own business :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you for making such wonderful baby products!
Wow Sue! Thank you for sharing that! It does seem like so long ago. I still remamber how excited I was when I took those photos of Elina! I've been inspired by so many amazing photographers out there...never thought that I could have inpired anyone myself. And look at you now!!! Your photography is AMAZING!! Hope you love your new hats I'd love to see what you come up with. I really makes my day when I can see one of my creations come to life on a baby! :0)